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Support The Willow School

An accredited school with SACS/CASI

The Willow School is an independent, non-profit 501 (c) 3. As such, the school is eligible to receive tax-deductible donations.

Willow relies on unrestricted financial support from donors like you. These donations help us to fund our immediate priorities which include:

  •    day-to-day operations

  •    purchases of equipment and technology

  •    fund long-term projects (such as becoming an accredited private school and conducting a capital campaign)

Donations are vitally important to the operations of The Willow School. These funds are a critical source, counted on by the faculty and administration to enable the school to provide enhancements for all aspects of our program. Some of our recent fundraising fundraising efforts have enabled us to:

  •    Purchase a 48 passenger school bus

  •    Offer over $10,000 in Willow scholarship monies for returning families

  •    Install a new playground and play structure for our preschool program

  •    Erect a large canopy creating an outdoor classroom and eating area

In addition, donation funds allow us to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and what it really costs to educate our students. Please help us with your generous support.

The Willow School is registered with the Department of Education and is in compliance with all of their requirements. This enables us to participate in Florida’s scholarship programs such as the Step Up for Students scholarship, a low income fund, and the McKay Scholarship fund for children with an Individual Education Plan. Additionally, Willow is always looking to improve our school. To this end we are currently exploring becoming an accredited private school.

The Willow School conducts an annual giving campaign. We also publish regular newsletters to keep our donors up to date with all of the exciting events going on with our school. If you would like to learn more about:

  •    being a part of this fantastic organization

  •    Willow becoming an accredited private school

  •    learning more about a quality education

or if you have questions and would like further information, feel free to call or email us at:

772-770-0758 or E-mail


For our school classrooms

Donations are the heart and soul of all non-profit corporations and Willow is no different. In order for this Vero Beach alternative private school to keep tuition affordable, we rely on donations. We receive donations from friends and family of the school who live both near and far.

How does Willow use donations?

Willow uses donations in a variety of ways. We use the funds we receive to supplement our general operating expenses. This can include:

  •     paying for specialists to come in and work with our students.

  •     purchasing new equipment for the school

  •     buying curricular materials for our classrooms

Alternatively, we can use the money for designated programs or projects as well. In the past we have received donations for specific items such as:

  •     a keyboard

  •     school bus

  •     technology

Sometimes donors want to underwrite a program such as our music program for a school year or make a donation to pay for a child to attend the school for free for the academic year. We have also received monies to help children attend our three day field trips as well.

Like many non-profit corporations, Willow operates on a deficit budget requiring the school to fund raise. Each year we have been able to meet our school’s financial needs through local fundraisers here in Vero Beach as well as through nationwide campaigns educating people about the alternative ways we work with children here in our Willow classrooms.

Donation Options

Other ways to support The Willow School

Checks should be made payable to The Willow School and sent to:

The Willow School
950 43rd Avenue.
Vero Beach, Florida

Donating via credit/debit is now easier than ever:

If you would like make a donation using a credit or debit card, please visit our new Payment Portal. From here you can make a one time or recurring donation and even chose where you want the money to go.

Stocks and securities are another great way to provide financial support:

Donating securities can be a simple and easy way for someone to help this non-profit school. These gifts act much as a cash donation does but with an added benefit. Donations of securities provide significant tax savings for the donor by avoiding capital-gains and other taxes. This is particularly true if the security has increased in value.

To learn more about donating stock, visit this website: securities donation guidelines

Please contact our office or E-mail us for information about the stock transfer process. Our school classrooms directly benefit from your generosity.

Willow offers a much needed service in our community. It provides a nurturing school environment in which children absolutely thrive. Time and time again, parents tell us that their children wake up early, eager to come to school and often times want to stay late because they love it here so much. Please consider helping us continue to make a difference in these children’s lives. Donate today.

You can also support The Willow School by giving in other ways.

Apply Today!
Begin your application process online via the FACTS Family Portal.
You can also request to be contacted by our admissions office if you have more questions.
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950 43rd Avenue

Vero beach, Fl 32960

(772) 770-0758

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© 2023 The Willow School ~ All rights reserved

Support Willow!

Be a part of our exciting growth as we continue to expand and serve more children

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